Friday, September 4, 2015

Last TGIF of the SUMMER!! :(

It's the last Summer TGIF!!! Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!!!! For most of you it will be 3 days full of relaxing, no work and BBQing (not me of course.. I'm working blah!) But some quick tips for making some healthier, smarter choices this weekend while STILL indulging in the GOOD STUFF...grin emoticon
*Use turkey burgers instead of red meat ... WAY less fat and calories in the leaner meat
*Ditch the bun!! Try putting your burger on a bed of lettuce instead!
*Swap the creamy dressings for a vinaigrette dressing
*Cut out the SODA! Try sparkling waters or seltzer instead.. you will FEEL the difference once you give up all that extra sugar & high fructose corn syrup
*DRINK WATER!!! Every few cocktails, have a glass or two of water/sparkling water/seltzer minus the booze! You will stay fuller throughout the day/night and avoid late night binge eating and BONUS!!! it will help your next day's hangover tremendously!! Trust me.. you will thank me for the last tip grin emoticon
ENJOY your weekend everyone!!!! xox

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