Monday, September 21, 2015

Mobile Monday!!

Hi everyone!! I hope everyone's Mondays have been going well! So today I wanted to post something a little bit different from the usual coach's post. I recently bought a Fitbit and downloaded the corresponding App that goes with it and to say I'm obsessed with it... is an UNDERSTATEMENT lol. Being able to track how many steps I take in a day and also my "active steps" which is during my workout and how many miles it adds up to AND how many calories I've burned in a day, is a HUGE motivation to keep up with my healthy diet and to keep exercising everyday. And as a bonus it keeps track of my sleeping patterns which is SO IMPORTANT when living a healthy lifestyle. Getting the proper amount of sleep for your body is a huge key to having the energy you need for the day, not to mention your work outs! I think it is one of the best investments I've made towards my health but if you can't afford a Fitbit or want to try something else... here are 13 FREE Apps you can download and check out as well! In addition there is also the app called Pacer that tracks your steps if you want to check that one out! grin emoticon Enjoy!! xox

Friday, September 18, 2015


Hello guys & TGIFF!!! Can you believe it is the weekend ALREADY?!?!?!? AND it is going to be GORGEOUS WEATHER this weekend so hopefully you guys will be able to get an OUTSIDE workout in before the weekend starts!! But if not.. inside works too! :D 
Today, I wanted to give you a couple important tips on what to eat BEFORE & AFTER you work out. You may not realize this - but it is SUPER important to fuel our bodies with the proper food while we are exercising or our bodies will not be happy with us! If your overall diet is full of clean fibers and high quality proteins and not heavy in carbs, you might not even need to eat before you work out. So if you're not hungry -- don't eat! But if you are... we want you eating properly to give yourself energy and fuel to get through that work out!!
*** BEFORE you work out ***
*If you work out in the AM ~ you want to eat protein like oatmeal, eggs or a banana, within 30 minutes of waking up to jump start your metabolism! If you're not a big breakfast person now would be a perfect time to have your Shakeology (...maybe with a little coffee to perk you up) because having SOMETHING is better than NOTHING. You don't want to burn yourself out before your day has really started!
*If you work out in the PM ~ eat a light snack if you're hungry, like an apple with almond butter or my favorite - rice cakes with peanut butter
*** AFTER you work out ***
*Always eat something with lots of protein in it, like a spinach and turkey omelette or mixed greens with grilled chicken, within 30 minutes of finishing your workout to help your muscles recover and also to help you avoid overeating later on. Even if you're not hungry right away, you should eat something small like a handful of almonds or a hardboiled egg. This is my favorite time to have my Shakeology because it is the perfect recovery remedy and is full of all the good stuff your body needs after you just pushed yourself & not to mention DELICIOUS! You also want to drink LOTS of fluids after you work out (and DURING as well) to help keep the lactic acid from building up in your muscles which is the main cause of that soreness you'll feel afterwards! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tasty Tuesday!

Happy #TastyTueday everyone!! I'm helping with a 7-Day Shakeology Challenge and I wanted to share what I posted today! 

So who is still on the fence about Shakeology?? Maybe you're not feeling the all the great benefits just yet and you're still thinking the price isn't worth it but let's break it down: Shakeology is about $4 a day and you can replace a whole MEAL with it AND it gives you an energy boost just like your afternoon cup of coffee! So by drinking Shakeology you're not only fueling your body with the most nutritious meal of the day you are actually SAVING MONEY!!! And if you're still not sold yet... Just take a look at the nutritional info below comparing it to Starbucks or McDonald's... 🙈 I know this made my #TastyTuesday that much sweeter seeing this today! 😃 Enjoy!!! 💜 xox 

#beachbody #beachbodychallenge #shakeology #7dayshakeologychallenge #bbcoachtaryn

Monday, September 14, 2015

Meal Prep Monday!

Happy Monday everyone!! I know Monday is a tough day to get through to begin with and then to add on MEAL PREPPING!!?? I know it SOUNDS overwhelming... but that's why I'm here to help!! And make your life that much easier so you don't need to stress out about living a healthy lifestyle and you can just LIVE IT! 
Just remember the 2 P's.. PLAN & PREP! I've included a meal prep planner and grocery store list(s) for you to make things SUPER easy~ 
SO, 1. PLAN - Pick a day that works best for you to plan what you will be eating for the week, make a list, go food shopping AND prep it as soon as you get home! So many times we take all this time out to plan what we want to eat, go food shopping and buy all our healthy foods and then... it rots in our fridge (I know I'm GUILTY of this) and what a waste!! That is why...
2. PREP - prep all that fresh food as soon as you get home so none of it goes to waste and everything is all ready for you to grab & go! You are less likely to eat junk or get off track if your clean eats are accessible and ready for you to eat!
*Wash your fruits & veggies; cut them up & portion them out in Ziploc bags or Tupperware for snacks on the go
*Cook your meats so they are all ready for you to heat up quickly and easily
*At the very least you can marinate your meats in big Ziploc bags for dinner if you don't have the time or energy to cook everything all at once. Label the bags for what day you'll be cooking that meal to make things even EASIER
*Cook your pasta or rice and portion that out by meal as well... You can use a dry erase marker to label (and re-label) your tupperware
*Add a little olive oil to your pasta so that it doesn't stick together as much while being stored in the fridge
*Hard boil a big pot of eggs so you have them prepped also for a quick and easy snack! (I usually only hard boil about half of my carton of eggs and keep the other for cooking eggs so I label either the carton or mark the eggs themselves with a marker so I know which are which.. if you are feeling super motivated you can pre peel your eggs. I envy any of you that have the time to add that extra effort in!
**Most importantly.. do what works for YOU and YOUR lifestyle. Whether you like to prep everything all at once or the night before or whatever it is.. do what is BEST for YOU!! Enjoy guys! 💜 xox

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Remember WHY you do it.

After a rough week mentally I was starting to forget my "WHY" but then I decided to do a Cize workout bc that's what got me into this and I love it so much and I instantly remembered why I do this!!! I challenge myself bc it makes me FEEL good. I workout bc I LOVE the routines! They are so fun and keep me motivated to keep on going with my improving my health and life! I probably won't be posting after today bc we are off to the LUKE BRYAN concert!!! 😁😍 but I got a healthy, clean breakfast in of oatmeal and my Shakeology AND a great workout in so I'm going to make sure to enjoy myself today! Have a great Saturday everyone!! 💜💜 xox #beachbody #beachbodychallenge #beachbodycoach #bbcoachtaryn #motivation #cizeitup #selfiesaturday #sweatyselfie #shakeology

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Still time left!!!

There's still time left guys!!! Who wants to try a Shakeology® 7 Day Challenge??? For only $35 you get to experience all the benefits of drinking Shakeology once a day for a week and SEE and FEEL the difference it makes on your body!! We also will be providing a meal plan and tips for eating clean during the week! PM me for more info or text/call me 973-222-7041 💜 xox #beachbody #beachbodychallenge #shakeology #shakeology7daychallenge #bbcoachtaryn

Monday, September 7, 2015

Fit for Fall Challenge!!!

A new 21 Day Challenge starts TOMORROW!! Who's in???? PM me or text/call me for details!! 973-222-7041 Start your Fall season off right by getting on track to becoming the happiest & healthiest YOU!! 💜💜 xox

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shakeology 7-Day Challenge!!

If anyone is interested in the Shakeology 7-Day Challenge I will be co-hosting... Here's the info! We'll be replacing one meal a day with Shakeology and eating clean and staying as active as possible for the 7 day period! AND it's ONLY $35 for the week!!! This superfood shake has honestly changed my life!! I've never felt more energized and full after drinking this... And the best part is my junk food cravings have literally been diminished since I've been drinking Shakeology every day!!! If you're on the fence about trying this because of the price or you're skeptical about it AT ALL I definitely say you NEED to sign up for this challenge. For only $35 I guarantee you will become a believer and change your life for the better just like I did! Go to my Facebook Like page for more info ... or you can email me or call/text me 973-222-7041 😁💜 xox 

Shakeology Samples for Sale!

Hey guys!! I have Shakeology samples for only $5 each if you are interested in trying it!! The September Challenge I'm helping run doesn't start until the 8th so you still have time to order your challenge pack!!! Don't miss out on becoming the healthiest & happiest you!! I swear you'll love it and become just as obsessed as I have! PM me on here or text/call me 973-222-7041 for more info!!! xox 💜💋

Friday, September 4, 2015

Last TGIF of the SUMMER!! :(

It's the last Summer TGIF!!! Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!!!! For most of you it will be 3 days full of relaxing, no work and BBQing (not me of course.. I'm working blah!) But some quick tips for making some healthier, smarter choices this weekend while STILL indulging in the GOOD STUFF...grin emoticon
*Use turkey burgers instead of red meat ... WAY less fat and calories in the leaner meat
*Ditch the bun!! Try putting your burger on a bed of lettuce instead!
*Swap the creamy dressings for a vinaigrette dressing
*Cut out the SODA! Try sparkling waters or seltzer instead.. you will FEEL the difference once you give up all that extra sugar & high fructose corn syrup
*DRINK WATER!!! Every few cocktails, have a glass or two of water/sparkling water/seltzer minus the booze! You will stay fuller throughout the day/night and avoid late night binge eating and BONUS!!! it will help your next day's hangover tremendously!! Trust me.. you will thank me for the last tip grin emoticon
ENJOY your weekend everyone!!!! xox

Fitbit Friday!! :D

Hello everyone!! I know it's been almost a week since my last post but life has been CRAZY! The end of the summer means craziness at the restaurant I work at before it completely slows down for the season :( On top of that I shattered my phone and had to buy a new one BUT it was a blessing in disguise because I got the iPhone 6 AND I also got myself a Fitbit which I am officially obsessed with! I got the Fitbit HR which tracks not only my steps I take in a day (and how many miles worth of steps that is) -- it tracks my heart rate, my sleep patterns, my calories burned, and I can track all of that during my workouts as well! It also can track how much water you drink, your caloric intake and you can customize a food plan as well!! All from the convenience of an app on your phone. I know everyone goes through days and sometimes even weeks where you just can't find time to workout and it gets easy to fall out of your routine...but this little miracle device is literally the easiest way to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle! I definitely recommend anyone who ever thought about buying one of these.. to go out and get it!! Best purchase I've made in a long time. Worth EVERY penny! :D xox